Why should I create an account?
The Getting to Resilience questionnaire will not be completed in one day or by one person. It was developed to be completed by a set of individuals from a community and to be completed over a period of time. Creating an account will allow your community to create one set of answers and to work together collectively.
Create an AccountWhy should I care about future vulnerability?
Higher tides and more frequent flooding incidents are becoming more and more regular. Due to the Earth's changing climate, these types of events are expected to be more frequent, more intense and more regular. Planning for future impacts will enable our communities to be prepared and more resilient.
Why is this Worth my Time?
Planning for the future and being prepared is always a good practice for municipalities. It is even better when those preparations can reward your community. Through this online questionnaire, you will find out how your preparedness can be worth valuable points through FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS) and Sustainable Jersey. Also the outputs provided at the completion of the questionnaire can strengthen local/county all-hazards and emergency operations plans. Ultimately being prepared will save lives and money.
Who is the website for?
Land Use Planners, Hazard Mitigation Planners, Floodplain Managers, Emergency Managers, Stormwater Managers, Natural Resource Planners, Municipal Engineers, Municipal Leaders, Zoning and Permitting Officials, Public Works Officials, and Conservation Organizations. All participants should be familiar with of their local plans, ordinances, and hazard preparedness efforts.
What will I need?
To complete this questionnaire your community will need access to your local plans e.g.: the land use plans (master & zoning), emergency operations plan, evacuation plan, hazards mitigation plan, etc. The checklist reviews the documents that may assist in the completion of the questionnaire.
What if I don’t know all the answers?
It is not expected that one person from a municipality will know all the answers. The questionnaire is structured to be completed by a team of individuals, each who has knowledge about your community's plans and documents.
How will I know my community’s vulnerability?
By interacting with the any number of online mapping tools, a community can assess their future vulnerability and use those maps to help plan and prepare for the future. Mapping tools such as the NJFloodMapper and the Flood Exposure Profiler can be found at NJADAPT.org.