How to “Get to Resilience”: A Step by Step Guide to Using the Website
Getting to Resilience highlights many of the key components of existing local government planning, hazard, and emergency response in an online evaluation tool. Each question can be answered with a "yes" or "no" response.
This process can be used by inland and coastal communities alike. The "coastal specific" questions are highlighted in blue, so inland communities should select "N/A" for those questions. Linkages will still be provided for inland communities to consider for all "N/A" responses.
The evaluation is broken down into five parts, and each section may be completed in as little as 15 minutes or as long as 2 hours, depending if you are doing the evaluation alone or as a group.
After you answer the questions (individual questions, each section, or the entire evaluation) you can click on the "Linkages" link on the right hand side of the page and get a report of:
- "Things to Consider" if you answered "No".
- Suggestions of points available from programs like CRS, Sustainable Jersey and Hazard Mitigation Planning if you answered "Yes".
- You can also get individual reports for "Things to Consider", "CRS", "Hazard Mitigation", "Sustainable Jersey" and "Inland Communities".
You can print your results by hitting "Ctrl" and "P" and choosing your prefered printing method.
Your community can use these reports to guide future steps towards resilience or as a guideline for additional points that your community may be eligible for. Suggestions are also made on content that you may want to incorporate into your community's hazard mitigation plan.